Tightening Controls

So there we were, thinking we'd do well in GWJ 54 (my theme of Curses was picked, and gamma's Faustian Bargain wild card was also picked), when we submitted a pretty well-developed game that had a ton of content, but when the scores come back, our controls were awful. And I knew that going in and should have made a few small changes to account for it! I did so after the jam ended, and re-uploaded after voting ended, so feel free to go check it out now. Here's what I did to fix the movement, specifically:

  1. Turn-around slow-down: when the velocity.x value suddenly changes signs, I set the max movespeed lower by maybe a third or so and set a timer to start so that it after .15 or .2 seconds, it goes back up to the original max speed. This makes it so when you want to land on a platform, you actually can! Huzzah! (Incidentally, this was gamma's brilliant idea, I never would have come up with this in a million years even though I did implement it, and so I'm referring to it now as "Gamma Time". I suggest you do the same!)
  2. Add a tiny (relatively) wind resistance while in the air, but only when falling! This is a weird one, but essentially the end result is that your movement does slow down, but only after power has "stopped being applied" to the lift caused by the jump, i.e. the character has started coming down. Out of all my experiments to get it to work after the jam, this was probably my favorite, even if not the most impactful (change 1 was definitely most impactful and could probably have been enough). Huzzah!
  3. I changed friction to lower it slightly, but added a threshold after which if you are moving slower than that value, I set the x velocity to 0. This was something I should definitely have had before submitting the game, but hadn't realized that "slowly falling off a cliff" would be such an issue. Huzzah!

These are the changes implemented after the jam so that the platforming was much more forgiving and all around more fun. Apologies to my team for not figuring them out earlier before submission, but I hope everyone has fun playing our game again! Huzzah!

Kyle, aka BackAt50Ft

P.S. I handled the jump buffer with a raycast, and it worked way, way better than any ugly timer-based method (as some noticed before even voting!). Coyote jumping still required a timer, but I was much happier with jump buffering using a raycast. Let's get Godot to take over Steam!

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